Subscribe for a thoughtful take on issues involving introverts.
Do current discussions of mental health and who or what is normal stigmatize introverts?
Which real estate and home design trends leave introverts out in the cold?
Should introverts in business pay attention to advice on “likeability”?
What can we learn from introverted characters in fiction and their high-achieving counterparts in real life? (Such as Jay Gatsby, Mr. Darcy, Harriet M. Welsch, Emily Dickinson, Greta Garbo and Thomas Edison.)
Subscribe to Introvert UpThink for posts that challenge one-size-fits-all practices and attitudes, that cast new light on favorite classics or figures and that suggest changes that would make daily life more serene for those who slant quiet.
It’s written and hosted by Marcia Yudkin, who has published personal essays in the the New York Times Magazine, Ms., Next Avenue and NPR and previously had a following for her iconoclastic perspectives on no-hype marketing. She is working on a book on what we can learn from fictional and famous introverts as well as a memoir (very much an introvert narrative) called Recovering from Wittgenstein.
Join the discussion (and the Introvert Book Club) for just $5/month or $30/year.
Most posts on Introvert UpThink are and will continue to be free. But for much less than the fee for Netflix or Amazon Prime, you become a member of the Introvert Book Club. Each month you can follow and share your thoughts on a featured fiction or nonfiction book that has provocative perspectives on solitude, sociability, spirituality, relationships or encounters with nature.
As a paid subscriber you can also respond to Marcia’s posts and exchange ideas with a self-selected group of like-minded (and a few not-so-like-minded) folks. This members-only discussion is not accessible to the general public, non-paying subscribers or Internet search engines.
The first Introvert Book Club selection was Alone, which vividly recounts Admiral Richard Byrd’s ordeal of five months of life-threatening isolation near the South Pole in 1934. The book raises profound issues about solitude and one’s moral responsibility for others. Read the writeup on Alone, provided as a free sample of what to expect from the Introvert Book Club.
Other works discussed include such classics as Robinson Crusoe, Jane Eyre, The Great Gatsby, and To the Lighthouse, along with contemporary novels or memoirs like The Snow Leopard by Peter Matthiessen, The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce and White Nights by Ann Cleeves.
Sign up to inform yourself. Work out the kinks in your attitude toward yourself and others. Support me in my mission to make the world safer for introverts!