Online Courses Related to Introverts
Marketing for Introverts
Discover the power of introverts to attract a following. Contrary to the belief of many, introverts can make superb marketers by respecting their natural preferences, using their greatest talents and avoiding what bugs them about self-promotion. $37. Learn more.
Personal Branding for Introverts
Attract ideal clients by highlighting your actual personality (not the one experts say you are supposed to have). Discover how to market yourself with integrity and style. Learn to apply more than two dozen techniques for communicating what’s special about the way you work with clients. $197. Learn more.
Marketing to Introverts
Discover what’s distinctive about introverts and how that affects having them in your target market. Ponder the implications of surveys and research about introverts for lead generation, face-to-face selling promotional copy, training, meetings, content marketing and more. $37. Learn more.